The AC-119 Gunship History Book Is Now Available

AC-119 Gunship Association representatives Al Heuss (71st SOS) and Ron Julian (18th SOS) presented a copy of the AC-119 History Book to the National Museum of the United States Air Force on January 8, 2010. The book was presented to Mr. Terry Aitken, Senior Curator at the Museum and Jeff Duford, Research Historian.

Mr. Aitken's remarks included numerous accolades to the AC-119 Gunship Association for taking on this truly significant project. He seemed particularly impressed that it was based on personal stories and that it was done internally within the Association. He noted, on more than one occasion, that the personal stories are so often missing from historical documents and that having a book that is built around personal stories is rare. The museum representatives also remembered the Association’s reunion that was held at the museum in 2004. Two original oil paintings depicting the AC-119G and AC-119K were presented to the museum at that time.

After several years of planning, submission of stories, design, editing, proofing, and layout by members of the the AC-119 Gunship Association, the AC-119 Stinger and Shadow History Book is now available.

The 300-page AC-119 History Book is printed on sturdy 8.5x11 inch paper. The book includes a chronology of the Shadow and Stinger development and achievements, detailed depictions of each aircraft, over 230 biographies, and a collection of narratives/war stories. There over 250 colored photos, plus more than 100 other depictions and illustrations. The book also includes a section dedicated to those killed in action and some of who have since passed.

The first 20 pages of the 300-page AC-119 Gunship History Book are devoted to the histories of the 71st, 17th, & 18th Special Operation Squadrons and the history/data of the AC-119G Shadow and AC-119K Stinger gunships. The remainder of the book contains short biographies of 230 Shadow & Stinger personnel along with war stories and pictures.

Of the 230 bio/stories/photos of Shadows and Stingers, 66 are pilots, 43 navigators/sensor operators, 13 flight engineers, 18 illuminator operators, 42 gunners, 34 maintenance troops (includes crew chiefs), and 8 support personnel.

Two versions of the book are available - hardcover and spiral bound. The cost of the hardcover version is $50 and plastic-coil spiral bound version is $35. The price difference is the cost of binding; the content is identical. Order now to insure getting a copy of this unique history of the Shadow and Stinger Squadrons and those who flew and maintained the AC-119G and AC-119K.

To order, send a check or money order payable to “AC-119 Gunship Association History Book Fund” in the amount of $50.00 for each hard cover and $35.00 for to each plasticized cover (spiral binding), plus $5.00 shipping and handling for each book. Print this convenient order form.

Doug Wohlgamuth, Treasurer
AC-119 Gunship Association
504 Shea Place
Sun City Center, FL 33573-5726

The AC-119 Gunship Association is a not-for-profit organization, and is selling this historical document for the cost of printing and shipping. The price is right! Order now to insure that you get your copies of this one-and-only history book about the AC-119 Gunship Squadrons, AC-119G/K Gunships, and AC-119 Gunship Airmen who flew and maintained the Shadow and Stinger aircraft.